Poster Abstract

P.30 Marco Fumana (INAF-IASF Milano)

pandora.vipgi: quick, but not dirty, spectroscopic reduction pipeline

pandora.vipgi is a software for the organization and reduction of spectroscopic data produced by optical and near infrared instruments as VIMOS, LUCI and MODS.
In a nutshell, the software provides to the users these facilities:
• organize data according to their acquisition time and types (flat, arc, dark, science, ...)
• fully reduce frames
• visualize data reduction products during any step of the process
• check and measure the quality of the data reduction.

pandora.vipgi is mainly developed in Python, with the core reduction recipes written in C to boost performances. The design and the performances of pandora.vipgi make it suitable for a reliable reduction of large amount of data (both long slit and MOS) in a compelling amount of time.
In its first version (Scodeggio, 2005) it has been used to reduce all data of the main extragalactic surveys as VVDS, zCosmos, VUDS and VIPERS. The updated and improved pandora.vipgi has been used to reduce data of VANDELS survey; since 2011 it is used to reduce all the spectroscopic data of the Italian time at LBT.
This long lasting experience with ESO and LBT data provided us with a wide expertise on the problematic of spectroscopic data reduction and allowed us to develop this stable and reliable software, which can satisfy most of the needs of the astronomers.
For these reasons we decided to release the software to the international astronomical community in spring 2020; in this talk I will show the main capabilities and features of pandora.vipgi