Poster Abstract

P.9 Jasper Postema (Kapteyn institute)

Combining on-line resources & databases to asses the Near-Earth Object potential of the BlackGEM Tel

I present my Bachelor Research project results. The project goal was to estimate the potential of the BlackGEM telescope array for discovering (new) Near-Earth Objects, NEOs. This was done by writing software that simulates a BlackGEM survey, determines the observability of known NEOs, and determines the detectability with BlackGEM. Around a 1000 currently known NEOs were predicted to be rediscovered and around 4200 NEOs were predicted to be newly discovered during the BlackGEM survey. The software is implemented as python notebooks that make extensive use of on-line databases and services. My contribution focuses on the software implementation, in particular the challenges of combining the data on Near-Earth Objects from different on-line resources/databases (e.g., SkyBot and MPC). Possible improvements on the code are discussed.