Oral Abstract

Oral Contribution (O3.2) Gijs Verdoes Kleijn (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen)

Theme: Evolution of software development and management

Data model as agile basis for evolving calibration software

We design the data calibration and processing for the imager of MICADO, the first light near-IR instrument of the Extremely Large Telescope. In this process we have hit the limit of what can be achieved with software design that is primarily captured in pdf/word documents. Unfortunately, collaboration through print-formatted documents does not scale:

1) Collaborations as large as MICADO and telescopes as complex as the ELT, result in numerous long documents. Maintaining the intra- and inter-consistency between the software and hardware design documents is nigh impossible.
2) Precise trade-offs are required to meet stringent science requirements. This requires a lower turn-around time between the software and hardware groups than can be achieved with documents only.
3) More (prototype) software needs to be developed in the early phases of the project to validate such trade-offs: simulators, archives, pipelines. A machine readable version of the design is therefore essential.

We turn the process around. We construct a fully digital detailed design that is both machine and human readable. From this, the design documentation, prototype pipelines and data archives are generated automatically. This digital-native design ensures that:

1) The entire design is internally consistent, making it easier to adapt to inevitable change.
2) Collaboration is quick and frictionless.
3) All prototype software meets the design, and can be a stepping stone to the final software.

We present a comprehensive approach of such a digital design for the ELT MICADO imager based on lessons learned in earlier projects (e.g. OmegaCAM, MUSE, Euclid).

Oral Abstract

Focus Demo (F4) Gijs Verdoes Kleijn (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen)

WISE information systems

WISE astronomical information systems, with hardware spread over Europe, integrate for its users data archiving, processing, quality control and scientific analysis in a single environment. The system architecture links these activities together through a living, raw-to-final archive, instead of multi-tier system. The backward chaining back to the initial raw data for all data processing steps, including the input, output, and the software code used is feasible thanks to a data-centric approach.
In this demo we highlight WISE aspects relevant for the following conference themes:
* Open data access and provisioning
* Local and global infrastructure for processing and storage
* Data processing pipelines
* Data visualisation
* Data science
WISE was developed initially to create AstroWISE for OmegaCAM at the VLT Survey Telescope by a consortium led by OmegaCEN. AstroWISE became operational in the early 2000s. Since then the WISE technology is being used for optical integral field spectroscopy (MuseWISE), radio astronomy (LOFAR archive), the Euclid Data Processing System, and the upcoming MicadoWISE system for the MICADO consortium. After a short introduction talk, the developers of Astro-WISE, MuseWISE and MICADO are available for guided tours through their information systems.