Oral Abstract
Oral Contribution (O7.6) Eva Sciacca (INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania)
Theme: Telescope operations and scheduling: from classical to autonomousBig Data Architectures for Logging and Monitoring Large Scale Telescope Arrays
Large volumes of technical and logging data result from the operation of large scale astrophysical infrastructure. In the last few years several “Big Data” technologies have been developed to deal with a huge amount of data, e.g. in the Internet of Things (IoT) framework.We are comparing different stacks of Big Data/IoT architectures including high performance distributed messaging systems, time series databases, streaming systems, interactive data visualization. The main aim is to classify these technologies based on a set of use cases typically related to the data produced in the astronomical environment, with the objective to have a system that can be updated, maintained and customized with a minimal programming effort. We consider the end-to-end mini-array of nine ASTRI that are under development by INAF proposed to constitute a pathfinder for the southern site of the Cherenkov Telescope Array.
We present the preliminary results obtained, using different Big Data stack solution to manage some use cases related to quasi real-time collection, processing and storage of the telescope technical data, logging and technical alert generation.