Poster Abstract
P.3 Matthieu Baumann (CDS, Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg)
Space and Time coverage maps in MOCPy
Space and Time coverage is a new efficient data structure for storing observational positions with their time data. It has been initiated through the IVOA organization as an extension of the MOC (i.e. spatial coverage map data structure) that takes into account the times of observation.MOCPy now handles this new data structure and allows you to:
- Create a Space-Time coverage from a list of Astropy times and positions.
- Query a Space-Time coverage with an Astropy time range to retrieve the spatial coverage being observed within it.
- Perform logical operations between Space-Time coverages.
- Filter an Astropy table.
- Save it to a FITS file.
Besides of that, MOCPy has now been wrapped around fast, safe and concurrent Rust code that exploits the full power of your machine.